209 похожих чатов

A wonderful thread about MachiBigBrother.eth and Andrew Kang and their

anonymous team and dozens of rug projects.Frax collaborates away from these everyone


6 ответов

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Stay away from these people's projects

Machi has been involved with lots of projects that haven’t done well for various reasons but never has been obvious scam. I staked eth for years with cream from pre merge, and I got all my eth plus staking rewards plus some airdrops. Just got starknet airdrop from them for that… cream may have gotten hacked but the team handled it fairly… for what it’s worth.

🦍🦍🦍- Автор вопроса
Jefe ElJefe
Machi has been involved with lots of projects that...

You were lucky, but most of the people involved were scammed. None of them are long-term projects, they're all half-finished,

You were lucky, but most of the people involved we...

The are all copy pasta projects that they pump and dump on their users

Jefe ElJefe
Machi has been involved with lots of projects that...

Machi was involved with formosa financial which scammed tens of thousands of eth from investors soooo

🦍🦍🦍- Автор вопроса
Machi was involved with formosa financial which sc...

Being in Taiwan saved him, if he was in the USA he would basically be cellmate with Sbf

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