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Just got word from ledger support that electroneum hasn't submitted

anything for the new smart chain. I'm going to send them the video of Richard saying everything was submitted. Is there anything else I should include?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

who is lying 😵‍💫

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
who is lying 😵‍💫

I just need a video or document published by ETN saying that they submitted everything so I can send it to ledger

Mike Frederick
I just need a video or document published by ETN s...

It's good with Trezor via Metamask. Don't know what else is planned yet.

Mike-Frederick Автор вопроса
Chris Tyman
It's good with Trezor via Metamask. Don't know wh...

I personally just don't want to touch metamask unless I absolutely have to

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