209 похожих чатов

Hi everyone, will the conversion be automatic? Thank you

13 ответов

13 просмотров

Hi Enzo, great to have you here If you have your ocean tokens on exchanges, then yes, your tokens will be automatically converted to ASI Else, for self custodial wallets, you need to manually swap your tokens to ASI The good thing is, there is no time limit to that and you can swap anytime, even after an year 😀

Keshav || Ocean Protocol
Hi Enzo, great to have you here If you have your...

So if mine are on a ledger than I have to swap them

Keshav || Ocean Protocol

Where would you have to do that

Mike P
Where would you have to do that

We will provide details for that soon Until then, do not click on any scam links claiming to provide ASI tokens

Enzo-Talon Автор вопроса
Keshav || Ocean Protocol
Hi Enzo, great to have you here If you have your...

Thank you. My tokens are blocked until 2026, what should I do in this case?

Keshav || Ocean Protocol
Do you mean locked, instead of blocked ?

And if that's the case Enzo, then I will recommend you to read this thread - https://x.com/oceanprotocol/status/1773311967169495466?t=dD4dO2yJA8k0s77-DByngA&s=35 You have been taken care of!

Enzo-Talon Автор вопроса
Keshav || Ocean Protocol
Do you mean locked, instead of blocked ?

yes, excuse my english. My tokens are staked until 2026

Enzo-Talon Автор вопроса

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