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@Jeroz1 Is this still accurate? I received a few requests

to help recover RVN. These have come from either DM or from an e-mail I formerly held and was linked to a feedback e-mail on the mobile wallet. I no longer have access to tblack@mediciventures.com or to t@mediciventures.com. I’ve asked to have them forwarded so I can still help, but my request was denied.

You can reach me at tron@ravencoin.foundation

The requests are usually along the lines of, I’ve entered the 12 words and I don’t see the RVN show up after hours of syncing.

In helping someone in-person today, I discovered that the iOS mobile wallet does not test for both derivation paths m/0'/0 (original) and m/44'/0'/0'/0 (new BIP44).

So if you’re a very early user of Ravencoin, you might enter your recovery phrase and not see your RVN.


Go to https://ravencoin.org/bip44

Enter your 12 words.

Hit the BIP32 tab

Enter m/0'/0 in the BIP32 Derivation Path

Copy the first address listed in the “Derived Addresses” section. And put the first Public Address (starts with an ‘R’) into the search at https://api.ravencoin.org

If it works, then you’ll see your RVN listed. Repeat for each address until you find there isn’t any more.

Then enter m/0'/1 in the BIP32 Derivation Path

Repeat the steps above — “Copy the first address….” etc.


For each address you found funds, open the iOS RVN wallet and go to the menu and choose Settings, then “Redeem Wallet / Private Key”

Click on the private key in the https://ravencoin.org/bip44 site. The private keys starts with ‘K’ or ‘L’. When you click on it, you’ll get a QR code. Scan the QR code with the iOS device. It will offer to import the RVN. It will cost somewhere less than 0.01 per transaction.

Repeat for each address that has RVN. You’ll also be prompted to sweep the ASSETS. Sweep only the ones you want to keep.

1 ответов

16 просмотров

This is only for the first mobile wallets in 2019

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