209 похожих чатов

I think you're more interested in criticizing what other people

create. What have you created?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

A tf2 botnet(not a virus botnet)

You’re avoiding the question

Brando- Автор вопроса
You’re avoiding the question

Before I reply, how much research have you done about Privacy Guardians? Did you bother checking our website, our past edition schedule or speakers and our initiatives?

Brando- Автор вопроса
Before I reply, how much research have you done ab...

First edition schedule: https://leparadigmebitcoin.ch/en/privacy-reunion/ This is a shill fest?

Before I reply, how much research have you done ab...

you only avoid the questions. You and your team get paid by projects to shill their projects to uneducated people in the hopes they buy that coin. Privacy requirements are unchanged since like 2014/2015 when monero became more public. Nobody has really changed the space or made anything more than what monero is/was since 2014. Some projects are actually making a move to create something to build upon what Monero did. Most Others are just copying what monero did and adding some fancy terms to make it appear they have actually done some magical fairy dust feat

Brando- Автор вопроса
you only avoid the questions. You and your team ge...

You're speaking out of your ass tbh Keep living in your bubble though

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