209 похожих чатов

1) About Shared decentralized Sequencers. Does this mean than

a dApp made on Polygon can leverage Coti’s privacy capabilities without switching the whole dapp on COTI?

2) About FHE vs Garbled circuits and your claims that GC is 1000x faster. As you said GC was developed many years ago but before your research couldn’t be deployed on blockchain. As I’ve read same goes for FHE. Zama and Fhenix state that they have made breakthroughs in FHE that now makes it usable on blockchain too. Is your GV vs FHE comparison on speed based on “old” FHE schemes? Do you think Zama may have found a way to speed it up too like you did with GC?

3) To my understanding GC is destroying competition in the privacy sector. Is there any application that you think FHE would be actually a better fit than GC?

3 ответов

16 просмотров

1) Yes, a dApp built on Polygon could potentially leverage COTI’s privacy features without needing to migrate entirely to COTI, thanks to the shared decentralized sequencers and interoperability protocols outlined in the COTI V2 Whitepape

2) The claim is based on benchmarks published by zama, not old FHE schemes (FHE doesn’t exist so long anyway).

3) in web3 privacy solutions will be based on MPC. GC and FHE are two ways to achieve MPC, and in that space there is no use case that is fitted to FHE more than GC. But there are use case fitted more for GC than FHE, due to performance issues

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