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Whats up with the bridge. Something is NOT RIGHT... I've been

trying for over a week now to withdraw funds from NATIVE to ERC-20
I've reloaded the bridge constantly (https://bridge.coti.io/), I've followed the telegram bots, I've logged into Viper Wallet and attempted 100s of times !!!, I've even called a REST API to monitor if bridge is open ..., I've monitored the bridge ETH transactions, .. but NADA ! - I just cannot time the bridge. I find myself reloading every few seconds .. bridge closed .. then I reload the bridge ethereum transactions, and .. someone made a transaction ! - Its as if the bridge status is not open yet - but transactions are still happening ?!

I must say, after locking funds for a year and trying to just withdraw 10k of COTI for a week is NOT a nice user experience. I was very patient up to now - but I can't spend my whole day reloading the bridge status .. !!

Just let everyone have a FAIR turn at withdrawing some COTI (if they want).. I'm sure some accounts prob withdrew 100k-1M already without a problem, and here I'm wasting a whole week trying to just withdraw 10k 😕

Or am I missing something? If I need to wait in the queue its fine .. but there is no queue ..

7 ответов

34 просмотра

Bridge has a daily cap, It opens at 00.00 UTC sharp (unofficial info, but it does). when the global daily cap is reached, it closes. Arround 200 swaps a daily from what i have seen. The txs you see on etherscan are those swaps from 24-48 hours ago being sent out slowly.

Heiko- Автор вопроса
Stefanos | Innovunode.io (afk)
Bridge has a daily cap, It opens at 00.00 UTC shar...

Ok ! That's something to work with .. vs retrying constantly throughout the day ! - Phew. I shall set my alarm for 2am 🤪 - and try that PS: I did see the telegram bot report 2am, .. but the ETH transactions are throughout the day - last one 2mins ago, then 6mins, 10mins, 13mins, .. etc .. but no bridge status open when I check the APIs / REST interface and/or websites 👍

Ok ! That's something to work with .. vs retrying ...

what i figured is that the bridge sends them out at intervals of 4 minutes. then pauses for a few hours (idk why) and continues later

Ok ! That's something to work with .. vs retrying ...

it closes within 4 minutes tho. be logged in before 2 am. and open the bridge tab 1 second after

Big withdrawers r sending it directly from viper to huobi or kucoin Can't really use bridge for that

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