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Hi, can someone assist me? I am looking to know

more about the Zilliqa network so hopefully we can do dev work. I can't seem to find the genesis hash and hash algorithm of the network.

4 ответов

11 просмотров

https://dev.zilliqa.com/ for devs https://dev.zilliqa.com/contributors/core-protocol-design/mining/core-pow/?h=hash+alg#ethash-algorithm for algorithm hash

following command you can fetch genesis hash n genesis block number, block number, hash & timestamp https://dev.zilliqa.com/exchanges/rosetta/data-api/network/rosetta-data-network-status/?h=genesis

for more technical understanding you can also check https://docs.zilliqa.com/whitepaper.pdf

genesis block https://devex.zilliqa.com/txbk/0?network=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.zilliqa.com

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