209 похожих чатов

Long time holder here. Many millions staked for over

a year. I want everyone’s honest opinion, why do we think or accept it as ok that this team (flexa and ampera) basically remain silent for months? In any other investment that wouldn’t be tolerated, why do we? I’m frustrated and not selling but wanted to hear from fellow sufferers.

4 ответов

11 просмотров

They might be disrupting a lot. And have competition from big trad fi people who will throw a lot of money to suffocate them?

https://ampera.medium.com/new-milestones-and-strategic-developments-at-ampera-foundation-0dc71dc200cb https://twitter.com/FlexaHQ/status/1773831728060334423?t=LFSkcstiXia5jJBkUL5QAw&s=19 https://twitter.com/FlexaHQ/status/1767949553704349888?t=0Dr_D-gWpff6cLSCYDU7Sg&s=19

I feel your pain. I think alot of folks just want to see something more tangible in lieu of all these announcements of announcements

I think we accept it because we have no choice other than selling. We mostly all believe there’s real value here and leaving could be a huge mistake . So the choices are accept it, or sell, or just moan and FUD your own bags to make yourself feel better. The latter won’t bring anything positive though 🤷‍♂️ Let’s hope we get something soon because I’m bored as fuck 🤣

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