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Dear admin, can you explain me how FLE work ?

Buy back Fxs has which meaning in this process ?

11 ответов

24 просмотра

FXS Liquidity Engine (FLE) The FXS Liquidity Engine is a protocol owned liquidity Schelling-point of pairs of every Frax Asset against FXS. Revenue allocated to the FLE is used to buy back half FXS & half Frax Assets to increase the liquidity depth of the pair.

LuffyX1991- Автор вопроса
buy back and burn you mean ?

Ya it's liquidity but it has the same effect as burning but with more utility. The FXS bought back for the FLE gets put in liquidity. But the buying back on the market increases the price.

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Ya it's liquidity but it has the same effect as bu...

lets pamp it to $100 now that we have touched the bear market lows again. Time to finally take off from the launchpad ffs

LuffyX1991- Автор вопроса
Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Ya it's liquidity but it has the same effect as bu...

Do you have the reference so I can read in detailed?(for knowledge purpose)

Do you have the reference so I can read in detaile...

Yes it's described in the Singularity Roadmap proposal here: https://gov.frax.finance/t/fip-341-frax-singularity-roadmap-part-1/2987

Alptekin, MD
Will FXS go to top100 boss?

That's a question for the price chat not here ser. But I will say that FXS is king and the only gov token we are building nonstop for 24/7. So it's all or nothing ser and the community is in this together with us. 💪

Alptekin, MD
Will FXS go to top100 boss?

Trading group is here 🙂 https://t.me/fraxtrading

Sam Kazemian ¤⛓️¤
Ya it's liquidity but it has the same effect as bu...

Did people with BAMM gonna be available to borrow ur own liquidity ?

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