209 похожих чатов

The integration news just doesn't stop ! It's amazing to


sFRAX + sfrxETH will soon be in every EVM wallet on every L2

@samkazemian I just had a thought..

For BAMMs .. would it be possible to convert an LPs idle liquidity to its yielding counterpart? Like, in a Frax/x LP, the "out of range" asset(s) is/are staked and maybe the yield used to autocompound the LP?

I suppose it would function exactly like an autocompounding vault, but the advantage is a user need not relinquish their LP tokens to achieve the compounding.

Could also be a great and gasless way to have self repaying LP loan positions.

Even if no to all the above, having self-repaying loans from sFRAX/x and sfrxETH/x LP pairings as collateral seems like a great product

Here's another question,

Could we account for veFXS power (and yield?) to locked FXS LPs ? Now that we have multi-lock on Fraxtal, is there any downside to doing this? Is there any reason we shouldnt?

Feels like a great idea to me ?

4 ответов

40 просмотров
Luke-SkywalkeI2 Автор вопроса

I'm taking this last bit to governance 🔥

Luke SkywalkeI2
I'm taking this last bit to governance 🔥

Have a suspicion that Convex will be against the idea as it dilutes voting power away from locking FXS. That said, I'm onboard and would vote 'For'

Moonunit | POAP
Have a suspicion that Convex will be against the i...

what else should I stake other than $FXS , it's only what I hold in Fraxtal ecosystem

what else should I stake other than $FXS , it's on...

Only thing that matters for the airdrop is staking fxs as veFXS

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