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Hi. I put in supply one stablecoin and want to

borrov another stablecoin. If i will use venus 80% limit i will get 8000, but i am able to get 20 000 what is better. What limit should i set if supply stablecoin and borrow stablecoin?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Please do not borrow max, cause you could risk getting liquidated. Safe limit to borrow is the 80% Borrow limit

Miroslav- Автор вопроса
i understand that but i supply stablecoin and borr...

You know stablecoin can lose their peg by a fraction sometimes...so you could get liquidated.

i understand that but i supply stablecoin and borr...

Please what stablecoin are you supplying and the amount, cause the gap between 80% limit and borrowable amount is looking way more than 20%

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