210 похожих чатов

Where’s the guy that was bragging all day yesterday about

his 14.30 entry? Lol

7 ответов

13 просмотров


I told him to tp and he called me insane 😢

If you listen to the guys here link is perfect and every dip is an opportunity. Literally the new xrp community

mashed mole
If you listen to the guys here link is perfect and...

Garbage, every dip is a buying opp because its a bull market, you don't have to buy the LINK dip, buy a dip on something else.

Still gonna talk chit? At this rate it’s going to be looked back on as a great buy. Haven’t you retards figured out 20% pull backs are buys yet? Between him and you…one has a set of balls…me thinks it’s the one who hit the buy button.

BW + SHTCN SZN- Автор вопроса
J A + ALTZCN ⛓⚡️
Still gonna talk chit? At this rate it’s going to ...

It was more a comment about posting 5 times trying to brag or looking for reassurance. Congrats or whatever

J A + ALTZCN ⛓⚡️
Still gonna talk chit? At this rate it’s going to ...

The dude was just annoying. Imagine saying 4 separate times that you bought at that price. Like stfu no one cares in here

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