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8 years?? What’s the release schedule? I’ll keep tabs on

its movement now since I have the airdrop. Thought it was another scam airdrop a few days back when I saw it. Didn’t connect the dots to truflation at first

8 ответов

19 просмотров

Give me a sec


Is that a way for LINK marines to get out of poverty ? what's the mcap for TRUF ?

Is that a way for LINK marines to get out of pover...

as far as i understand stakers have received some truf tokens, the MC of truf rn is around 50mill-60mill

J A + ALTZCN ⛓⚡️- Автор вопроса

Not sure how they determined the airdrop. But I feel like a few more of my wallets should have gotten it

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