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Hi guys, I'm writing up an investment memo on FXS

but I cannot seem to find the current yearly emission on FXS? I remember it was changed through governance some time ago. Perhaps we should have a FAQ on some of the typical investor questions

7 ответов

8 просмотров

Says here https://docs.frax.finance/token-distribution/frax-share-fxs-distribution Started at 25 000 FXS 2020, 2021 it was 12 500, 2022 it was 6250, now from 20th December 2023 it is 3125 FXS per day 👍 This year it will reduce to 1562,5 on 20th December again

Anders (¤, veFXS)- Автор вопроса
Qrayon Shinchan
Says here https://docs.frax.finance/token-distribu...

Awesome thanks! We should update this description to state the current emission instead of describing how much goes to Frax-FXS. I think it can be read as the LP emission is on top of the base emission.

Anders (¤, veFXS)
Awesome thanks! We should update this description...

The way I understand it is the emission is still ongoing for gauges, but veFXS only gets rewards based from revenue. However, the core team or someone have to correct me if I am wrong.

Anders (¤, veFXS)- Автор вопроса
Qrayon Shinchan
The way I understand it is the emission is still o...

true veFXS APR is based on revenue. I'm on a quest to find all of these revenue sources, and in my opinion this should be front and center

Anders (¤, veFXS)
true veFXS APR is based on revenue. I'm on a quest...

Been said before that it should be more easily available, which I agree to. Since there has to be some system to calculate veFXS APR. Probably possible to make a Dune dashboard for it, but even better to have it integrated directly. However, not sure if its a priority rn 👍 Hopefully they get more people, and even more better would be a UI designer 👌

Rly good last point

Anders (¤, veFXS)
true veFXS APR is based on revenue. I'm on a quest...

Did you find all these revenue sources, i am also on the quest

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