209 похожих чатов

Anyone have an idea why it's taking so long?

8 ответов

11 просмотров

probably you will get an error

Tchoupi- Автор вопроса
probably you will get an error

Do you know approximately how soon I might get the error?

What was the fee you paid?

Tchoupi- Автор вопроса

search tx id on xhrchain.net


Yea thats pretty low with everything going on rn, you might just have to wait

Tchoupi- Автор вопроса
Yea thats pretty low with everything going on rn, ...

Ok ok, do you know if it is possible to increase the fees on a transac?

Ok ok, do you know if it is possible to increase t...

To be honest Im not aware of any Replace by Fee equivalent in Monero

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