209 похожих чатов

Hi Hex family! I staked my only Hex back in

2020 I believe for 15 years out of panic because I didn’t know what I was doing😅 What are the best Hex strategies you use to maximize Hex? Do you all just play the long game or do you have different strategies that have worked for you? Thank you in advance for helping this newbie🙏🏼

10 ответов

28 просмотров

Can you please message me admin never message you first so I can assist you

Can you please message me admin never message you ...

Don't ask for admins, just ask your question & provide enough DETAILS. Admins: @bpkdasbaum @lozuk @Poseidon_PLS @hexy_vip @Han_Ke22 @WannabeGodMinnow @Benzenoid @diamondgirl73 SCAMMERS will direct message (DM) you DO NOT REPLY TO THEM. NEVER SHARE YOUR SEED WORDS. SUPPORT ONLY HERE

That was a scammer, don't reply in dms ever

Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat)
That was a scammer, don't reply in dms ever

https://i.imgur.com/WkK5kx0.png Set your Telegram, "Settings", "Privacy & Security" to look like in the picture to prevent scammers from calling and messaging you. [the "Archive & Mute" option only appears if you get a lot of DMs] Scammers fake "Admin" profiles to trick & rob you Block & Report all DMs / private messages

You got a copy on pulsechain. Early endstske would have penalties. You need to decide for yourself if its worth it to endstske early. After half the time you get your full principle out, but no interest. Most people set up a ladder.

Das Baum (DMs are scams, support only in public chat)

What happens if I emergency end stake? Quick overview here https://t.me/hexsettings/24 Details here and here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1P0ZDaBQx4ghkdX5IUwZb1n8ThvYf7i22MSt9Gm00JRU https://hexscout.com/portfolio will show you estimation for emergency end stake penalties (enter your public address, select a stake and click the 3 dots to see more stats on it)

Ladder can be any timeframe and amount, but most just did year 1 year 2 year 3 etc till 15

I personally have 15 year stakes that I won't touch until they are fully matured, but I also got shorter ones.

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