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Can’t stop people trying to fleece ergo community but can

we not promote it on main channels?

7 ответов

12 просмотров

No one's forcing you to join. This is a community initiative and ergo is a community coin. I haven't participated due to high ergo requirement but if I have 1k ergo to throw away I would have gladly taken one spot.

U expect them to work for free or create and or pay for art and code out of pocket?

Q- Автор вопроса
U expect them to work for free or create and or pa...

No just for the official channels not to promote them. Shouldn’t need our help, nothing stopping them from rugging other than faith. Will happen eventually

No just for the official channels not to promote t...

What’s official? Many community have keys to telegram, Twitter, etc. official communications are the community.

Q- Автор вопроса

I benefit way more if I don't rug tho...

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