210 похожих чатов

Hi, is there a non-custodial zil staking? I don't want

to delegate my zil. Something similar to VeWorld VET. Is there anything for zil too?

6 ответов

22 просмотра

How do you stake something without delegating tho

Jigs- Автор вопроса
zilliquack.zil (dis duck dont dm)
How do you stake something without delegating tho

Thanks for replying. That's what I am trying to confirm if I am wrong or have limited knowledge. For VET token I didn't have to delegate them.. simple transfered then to VeWorld Wallet and it start generating vTHO. No delegation required.

zilliquack.zil (dis duck dont dm)
How do you stake something without delegating tho

Vet has a feature. The Vet tokens in the wallet will automatically start generating VTHO

Thanks for replying. That's what I am trying to co...

Zil does not have this feature yet. But we do have some other staking feature like liquid staking via Avely. Torch wallet for auto-compound. Plunderswap for best APY

There is stZil

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