backed by Amp is that right ?
The collateral that a individual or entity puts into the collateral vault is the collateral used to recive the LOC. "5.3 Letter of Credit Using the CollateralVault, the LetterOfCredit contract reserves collateral to issue a LOC, claims collateral upon LOC redemption, and releases collateral after a LOC expires. The Anvil LOC comprises two elements: the collateral asset, which secures the LOC, and the credited asset, which represents its redeemable value. The protocol supports LOC issuance independent of the collateral and credit asset types. For instance, WETH may serve as the collateral for a LOC redeemable in WETH, USDT, or USDC. When both asset types match (e.g., WETH/WETH) this case is defined as a converted LOC (cLOC). If the assets differ (e.g., WETH/USDT) this is represented as an unconverted LOC (uLOC)."
Does ANVIL receive a transaction fee ??
Hard to get the head around for us normies 🙈
Configurable fields "The field withdrawalFeeBasisPoints denotes the fee associated with removing collateral from CollateralVault. For claimed collateral, the protocol uses the withdrawalFeeBasisPoints value at the time its CollateralReservation. The initialized value is 50 basis points, with a hard-coded 1000 maximum to deter exploitative governance scenarios"
There are no LOC creation or interest fees at the protocol level When collateral is claimed is when the fee is debited
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