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It seems to me that localmonero has left a big

void, so forgive me for asking what feels like a stupid question: Why are localmonero/agoradesk not getting rebuilt, with another name/domain, etc.? The technical work is straight forward I think, is it just a legal or jurisdictional issue? Are there financial reasons? And please feel free to correct me if someone is working on an ad-based p2p platform without kyc, that is not on the dark web or something like that. . .

9 ответов

40 просмотров

Cex will get targeted, dex are the future; volume will move to haveno

R-S Автор вопроса
Cex will get targeted, dex are the future; volume ...

interesting, and i tend to agree but. . .it seems there is potentially a place in the ecosystem for a matchmaking/escrow service like agoradesk. So it is basically out of fear of prosecution? Not to minimize that, especially if one is a US citizen for example, but I wonder if this could be dealt with by choosing one or more suitable jurisdictions?

interesting, and i tend to agree but. . .it seems ...

yes its mostly out of the fear of prosecution, if you can find someone willing to take the risk and find a suitable jurisdiction it might work ; but why play cat and mouse when haveno would be able to do the same ?

R-S Автор вопроса
yes its mostly out of the fear of prosecution, if ...

mostly because I think that the ad-based approach to p2p lowers barriers to entry for newbies, as well as easier to deal with small and/or one-off transactions than setting up a node. Just a thought. I have not seen haveno yet, or a working haveno network, or when haveno might be available, and I had some modest plans with respect to using localmonero that are now completely jacked


That’s Haveno Reto network amazing thing. Everyone can contribute to the network relay system. They also talked about in the future, different networks can share each other’s order books to switch from being a client of one network to/from another

AL-juarisɱi Vila
That’s Haveno Reto network amazing thing. Everyone...

It sounds great but what are the legal ramifications of operating that way? Where is the line between casual user and operator? Is there more liability for users than with localmonero and is it a honeypot to put the fear of zog into anyone who would try to stand up.

It sounds great but what are the legal ramificatio...

operator would most likely fall on the people hosting seednodes which is a lot more complicated than just running the haveno app, but who knows

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