210 похожих чатов

Is that a normal trend? Since they've been defending prices,

they've been saying that there are only events, and there are no actual results, right? You can't mention the price legally every time? Do you think it makes sense? I'm sure everyone here just greets the employees of the company

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Price fluctuations are expected in the Web3 industry, but we are committed to the stability and development of aelf network. To add, we are excited for the numerous projects which are building on aelf blockchain—included some of them below for you to check them out! 😊 - Project Schrodinger, a 404 NFT platform: https://x.com/ProjSchrodinger - Pixie Points, dApp point system: https://x.com/pixiepoints_ - tmrwDAO, a platform for users to start their own DAOs: https://x.com/tmrwdao - [Upcoming] ecoearn, a staking and liquid farming platform: https://x.com/ecoearn_web3

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