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You still holding sgoat? It's a total shitshow in there


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9 просмотров

i am

Guess what, FF just tweets to help that thing more viral

i invested 50 ftm on almost a lot of the new meme tokens for the contest

I can’t believe how bad “the goat” fucked up with sGOAT. First off the launch was a shitshow as he put the initial LP into a CL pool like a dumbass. Someone instantly bought it up for pennies and he had to spend $400k buying it back. That made the price go nuts on Equaliser so people that aped got absolutely wrecked so had to pay another $200k to put that right. Then he got everyone to lock up their tokens for 60 days with the promise of airdrops, there has been one and that’s it. Now people can’t even unlock their tokens from the UI. It’s crazy and this dude is supposed to be one of FTMs biggest whales and is promoted as one of the faces of the ecosystem and he can’t even launch/run a memecoin with hundreds of millions of $’s at his disposal

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Yankee Ruin X
I can’t believe how bad “the goat” fucked up with ...

Pretty sad to see zero comms too and he's obviously not giving a shit about it

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