210 похожих чатов

Hi whats the best / safest web wallet for

telos ?

6 ответов

7 просмотров


⚪️ Telos Wallet UI: https://wallet.telos.net/ For Telos EVM recommended to use Metamask. - Add tEVM to MM: Head to Teloscan.io and hit 'Sign In' with Metamask. // https://metamask.io/ For Telos Zero recommended to use Anchor. - Set up Telos Web Wallet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-2Ari0QPJ0

Gustav-Howard Автор вопроса
🟣 TJ 🇦🇺

do i need to do anything on my coins on metamask(telosevm) about this new update?

Gustav Howard
do i need to do anything on my coins on metamask(t...

The change only impacts $BNB and $ETH based $TLOS. If you’re on #TelosEVM then you’re sweet.

Gustav-Howard Автор вопроса
Gustav Howard
great thank you

Glad to help. Definitely read the Telos blog when you get the chance.

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