209 похожих чатов

Guys correct me, how is your crypto save on your

wallet? What if the developer get hacked or something like that and they create infinity supply

10 ответов

18 просмотров


Educate yourself about it https://www.moneroinflation.com/inflation

Giraffe- Автор вопроса

Monero had infinity supply bug few years ago so stop shilling

Giraffe- Автор вопроса
AL-juarisɱi Vila
Educate yourself about it https://www.moneroinflat...

No thanks, I am not worried that someone can change the gold atoms

No thanks, I am not worried that someone can chang...

Nobody can also change the technological and human constraints of the Monero network

Giraffe- Автор вопроса
Zero day can

Zero day build monero

Giraffe- Автор вопроса

infinite supply don't exist here

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