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Erciccione is trying to grift big time and take $154,000

from the general fund to develop a front end for Haveno. A front end does not cost anywhere near $154,000 (some of you may be willing to do it for less?) Haveno is very much needed but Erciccione shouldn't be trusted. This is the left wing Monero activist who was the main person trying to cancel Chris Sky from speaking at an event he was affiliated with. His original front end proposal asking for even more (lmao) got denied. So, now he is trying to say some of the revenue from fees will go back to the community. Please shoot down this overly priced proposal.



4 ответов

12 просмотров

Thanks for this Lucas! I'm investigating with great enthusiasm. From my perspective, you may be wrong on the cost of front end because is not about making preety UI or things work. It employs user research, user experience design and user testing from the ground up in order achieve mass adoption. Otherwise, the result is just like what was said here before.. People won't bother if they have to use docker, github or etc.. 154.000 is not much to build the pre-programming JUST for the discovery phase, not accounting for Security, Privacy, etc... Basically, testing and lowering the barrier of entry, building real trusted "trustless" interactive system takes time and real honest work if we wish to reach critical mass and mass adaption. However, from what I have seen from the Foss community, its just a matter of time. 👍

Lucas- Автор вопроса
Thanks for this Lucas! I'm investigating with grea...

You're welcome. The middle messages were cut and paste, so not from me.

again? or this is the old story?

Lucas- Автор вопроса

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