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Hello Everyone 🙌🏻💜 Happy (?) Friday to everyone


I have read through all the comments/feedback/complaints in the last 2 days following the CEO Update AMA. Clearly the community was expecting a lot more. Huge expectations was built for this podcast , and well .. the result is clearly not what everyone wanted

Some people were expecting big announcements and/or hints of truly groundbreaking events. This format has never been used in this way .. announcements are and always will be done through our official channels (Medium, X, TG announcments , Discord ..etc )

The AMA was a quarterly update from our CEOs where the intention was to bring clarity on how things were going and explain why certain things were delayed. And in this regards, i think we achieved that.

We also learn from our mistakes and are/will be more careful with our remarks and things we say on X.

The fact that some community members on Twitter labeled this as a "Make or Break" event , and rallied a lot of drama around this X space is a refection of peoples patience being worn down. A reflection of peoples frustration towards the bad performance $UOS has had and the fact that people were expecting a lot more at this stage,

I understand a lot of your frustrations and so does the team. We read it all and try to improve our communication going forward to avoid unnecessary high expectations, but also trying to "drive some healthy hype" along the way, as people so desperately ask us for.

Was the "q2 game changer " tweet a bad idea? .. in the moment not at all. But in hindsight might of caused more harm than good .. but , as I explained the other day .. some stuff is really frustrating for us also , and when things get delayed .. its a pain in the ass for us also , since we look like we are misleading to the community, when that couldnt be further from our intentions

Market conditions are bad .. every single project out there is struggling with this downward/side mud walk of BTC and how it drags the rest of alts with it. This ofc makes sentiment even worse

From our side, we commited to a 2024 roadmap and that is our highest priority. Keeping and respecting all deadlines , is very hard in tech .. but nonetheless we are doing our best to keep it .. and when/if delays happen. We will gladly adress them

Being too square minded is also a slippery slope .. some ideas pop up along the way , or requirements from high priority partners that require for us to shift things around.

It hasnt been easy for our Marketing team either .. our head of marketing left 2 months ago , and at the same time as our head of partnerships also .. so that means we have all had to take on some extra tasks.

But gladly , thos positions have been filled , so things are gonna get eaiser from here on.

I see some community members talk of "leaving" and sayng their goodbyes and all that. Truly sad for me , but .. everybody is entitled to go as they please. I dont blame anyone , and everyone has differnt financial sitautions and emotionally invested as they can in dif ways.

But one thing I do ask is .. lets lift our chins and carry on .

For every angry community member ranting on TG about this or that .. there are 50 other community members with hope still , holding on , and having to endure and read everything also.

So please , if you want to leave or express yourself , fine , but lets not create an unhealthy environment where negativity is the new normal .

We are at the brink of many new and exciting things .. specially with our exclusive games , so reasons to be optimistic are plenty.

Lets turn the page and keep our hopes up. Ultra is going to continue with its Mission . no matter what. And I hope many of you still stick around to enjoy the good times when they come

Cheers 🫡

5 ответов

36 просмотров

Hi @Patrick_Ultra I didn't talked about $UOS price, but only about promises I think we were a lot with high expectations about ultra respecting this new roadmap without delays Deception is here : delays, again And trust going away with it From my side, here since 2019, keeping building good bags and happy to see FUD pushing prices down so i Can buy $UOS cheaper 👌

I was also confused why people were expecting big things from the AMA, we have never had big announcements there. Your job must be hard in times like these with sentiment low. Keep up the good work, there are thousands of Ultras who are exited and happy to see what happens this year and next. Thank you for all that you do 💜

Rouc' | Ultra Lottery Mathieu
Hi @Patrick_Ultra I didn't talked about $UOS pric...

If you check what was on roadmap for this year, most of it is done on time, which is already good, especially the team explained on the AMA, WHY some parts were switched with others, and they did release things that were not on the roadmap. If a part is pushed further and nothing done instead, it's a miss estimation of the work (not critical either), but if it's to replace it with other features, I only see that as an upside and probably good decision, no reasons for Ultra to switch features around if it's not for the success of the project

I was also confused why people were expecting big ...

I think people was refering to the "legendary" tweet by Ultra..... regarding Q2.

Beautiful message, thanks. Full of transparency, and that’s what the community seeks, I believe. Being transparent and clear with us is all we need. True believers will always stick with you but needs to be reinsured like that. PS: why does head of marketing left ? Was it a boring position with nothing to do ? 🙃🤣

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