209 похожих чатов

So in the mixer.conf file are these node address in

example file are required? I need to find ip address to Input and these will be the ones that would make my mixing?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

[arkadias] AFAIK they aren't required you can use your own local node if your running one

Alien-service Автор вопроса

mixer is relying on nodes , and those are default for it. For better privacy you can replace with your own

Alien-service Автор вопроса
kushti khushi
mixer is relying on nodes , and those are default ...

Ok i have one of mine, do I need to indicate or point to multiple?

Alien service
Ok i have one of mine, do I need to indicate or po...

[cafebedouin] I think the node just submits the box, which then has conditions to match with another box like it.

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