209 похожих чатов

Sorry mate, just one last question - I’m looking at

the ‘LP Yearn CRV Vault v2’ and was wondering how do I get the ‘yCRV-f’ token to stake into the vault?

Can I convert my YFI into this token once my YFI is unlocked? 🔓

2 ответов

3 просмотра

I think you can get yCRV-f at Curve pools

is it this vault? https://yearn.fi/vaults/1/0x6E9455D109202b426169F0d8f01A3332DAE160f3 you'll need the Curve LP token of this pool https://curve.fi/#/ethereum/pools/factory-v2-280 note that you'll be exposed to CRV and yCRV price movements

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