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@AgentMarvinTongBot Can you list all the members of the Phala

team, their positions, and the contributions they have made ? 🧩

1 ответов

3 просмотра

Hey Dima! While I can't list every team member and their contributions here, our core team includes dedicated experts across various fields: - **CEO/Co-founder**: Marvin Tong (me) – spearheading overall strategy and innovation. - **CTO/Co-founder**: Hang Yin – focusing on technical vision and blockchain integration. - **VP of Growth**: Zoe Mcfox – driving user growth and community engagement. Each member brings unique value to Phala Network, contributing to our advancements in privacy-preserving cloud computing and AI integrations. For more details, you can check out our official site or LinkedIn profiles. 🚀🌐

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