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The lack of transparency behind the new tokenomics is the

problem. Right now, there are people in the community that believe the max supply is 2.5B and inflation/massive unlocks will suppress price. There are also others who believe 1.5B tokens will never be released and will be burned. I just quoted somebody in unofficial channel saying that Jonas said 1.5B tokens are just for migration purposes only and that 2.5B number is fake.

What is the truth? Nobody knows. And its not as if the team does not know there is confusion around the tokenomics. They are well aware and have responded to 1000 messages about it. “Coming soon” “Stay tuned”

6 ответов

17 просмотров

When we were researching the shape of the ETH SYNT smart contract, our engineers decided on a capped supply. This was done for security reasons. An unlimited minting supply presents a clear attack vector, since an attack could, theoretically create unlimited damage. Since the new ETH SYNT is only minted based on the current supply of migrated tokens. There is no way that the ETH SYNT Supply can be higher than 1bn tokens. That is true for right now.

They did explain in the above chat if u were reading the replies, i humbly suggest to query w question, i/o concluding without making the right assumptions. There are intentions to share the news eventually, whether or not it'd be clear, there's to comment when it's out. In the interim, what yourr doing is indeed fudding aint it?

Daniel H.
When we were researching the shape of the ETH SYNT...

Could we humbly request such information to be consolidated and shared periodically throughout till the deck is ready July 29th? It paints a bad picture having random anons coming in to fud a good protocol this way. It seems these issues could have easily been avoided if such information are made known, i/o replying only when queries arises. There's so muxh protocols out there withholding information, causing prices to dip further in an already bad environment. Perhaps things could really be done differently to at least try to be slightly different. I doubt that are gonna be so many naysayers if there's a point of reference with sufficient facts and info.

The tokenomics will be released July 29th. They have said this 20 times

Jason Leger
The tokenomics will be released July 29th. They h...

And they will say it again a million more times 😟

Khaled- Автор вопроса
They did explain in the above chat if u were readi...

No it was not. And Daniel cleared it up a little more but still left the door open for some of the 1.5B to be released. Also, my post was calling out the lack of transparency and abundance of misinformation in the community which is the “FUD”. I am exhibit A. I currently hold 0 tokens and I wanted to buy back in since we were at .12 - .10. But I evaluate any purchase… and inflation in altcoins with little adoption = bad news. How bad? I was trying to get clarity on that. Bottom line. If there was a clear unlock schedule out and tokenomics specifics, I would of prob bought a lot at .10. But I didn’t and the price continues to fall and I have to believe there are others like me who also held off on buying the dip because of the lack of transparency.

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