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Hi Syntropy addicts, I have been following the project (and invested

in it) since 2020 and I like where it is heading right now. Good momentum at last. Lot of expectations for the near term.

However, I am quite frustrated that communication through the channels only focuses on the product and service (which is great) but not really on the company business model and targets.

As a token owner I consider myself as a kind of shareholder and I would really like to understand what are the real value drivers, the key metrics to focus on and the business plan of syntropy as a company.
Because - yes indeed - Syntropy is first of all an innovative technology builder with a vision, but it is also a company - a DePIN service provider - that needs to generate significant cash flows over the long run to survive (and I am not talking about token price evolution which is only the reflection of speculation at that point and not value creation).

So yes we already have a glimpse at the general idea: publishers and subscribers paying for real time data via the noia token. But I would really like to have a better understanding of the economics and financial targets the management has in mind over the next 3 years.

What kind of revenue and Ebitda are we talking about as a target for 2025-26? For what level of investment plan? And what are the metrics to reach that target in terms of number of subscribers and consumption of real time data? In the central business plan case, how many subscribers and publishers are we taking about as a short term target? What kind of average annual revenue per subscriber? How does it translate in noia token consumption with the current or planned circulating supply?

What I would like to understand is how realistic is the central business plan for the company. Because in the end, noia token price will only increase and Syntropy projet succeed if the business case fundamentals are sound. Anything else is only short term noise.

Would it be possible to have some info from the Team?

21 ответов

93 просмотра

But you're not a shareholder, even if you like to think of yourself that way. You don't, in fact, hold shares in the company. The company has no responsibility to share such information with you just because you want it. 🤷‍♂️

Unfortunately, in crypto there is not the same reporting regulations as required on normal listed companies in your country (wherever that may be). So; just know you are in safe hands, and they have done lots of comms on where they are going; a little bit of brain power will help you discover for yourself the potential Syntropy has. There's also public available reports on the sector they are penetrating; so you can get a feel of potential revenue. I don't think there's any accountability for Syntropy to do what you have asked. Sorry.

Tib8330-Lacour Автор вопроса
Galactic Womble
But you're not a shareholder, even if you like to ...

I am not saying that they have to do it. Just that it would be very insightful to have some king of vision of the business plan, at least a broad one

Tib8330-Lacour Автор вопроса
✤ Ѕyитastic Wizard ✤
Unfortunately, in crypto there is not the same rep...

Of course. I have read virtually everything there ia about the project for the last 4 years so I know quite well the vision and the tech behind it. I like it. I have invested quite a lot in it. Now I wish I could have more info on the business vision in terms or target metrics for the company to become profitable

Tib8330 Lacour
I am not saying that they have to do it. Just that...

Sure, it'd be nice to hear every discussion that goes on inside Syntropy HQ, too. But it's not going to happen, and this thing in crypto where speculators think they're investors and as such deserve inside / extra information is hugely unrealistic when you're dealing with real world companies

Galactic Womble
Sure, it'd be nice to hear every discussion that g...

Crypto, stocks, doesnt matter. All is speculative.

Tib8330-Lacour Автор вопроса
Rafal Raf
Crypto, stocks, doesnt matter. All is speculative.

Stocks = additional financial capacities for a company = more investments = additional economic value (more jobs…)

Rafal Raf
All is speculative

What has that got to do with whether or not you're holding a piece of the company, and whether or not the company would / should give speculators more information on their business plans?

Rafal Raf
I think you dont understand

I think you haven't been following the conversation

Tib8330-Lacour Автор вопроса
Rafal Raf
All is speculative

Sure. But as a speculative asset (that can go to 0 as you say), stocks are still critical for the liberal economy as a key financing mean for companies. So yes they matter (at least in the globalized economy in which you and I live)

Rafal Raf
My answer was more to this guy Thibaut

Ah, perhaps you meant to reply to their comment rather than mine then?

Tib8330 Lacour
Sure. But as a speculative asset (that can go to 0...

I am not saying they NOT critical 🙂 bur still they can go to 0

Tib8330-Lacour Автор вопроса
Rafal Raf
I am not saying they NOT critical 🙂 bur still they...

…. You said - I quote - “ crypto, stock doesn’t matter”. Whatever this conversation is quite lame

Honestly, I'm not too concerned about the lack of detailed financial information from the team. Personally, I've been a supporter of this project for quite some time, and I genuinely believe in its potential. While it's natural to desire further understanding of the business model and targets, it's worth noting that the dynamics differ from those of the traditional world.The technology they've developed is groundbreaking, and we can be confident a team like this has thought through the financial aspects as well. I'm confident that we'll keep receiving additional information in due course, along with positive developments for the project.

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