209 похожих чатов

Does anyone else have an issue where Metamask doesn't show

SYNT? I add the contact address as a custom token and it says "already added", but its not there. When i check etherscan they are in my wallet which is a relief.
No scammers please I'm not in the mood

10 ответов

8 просмотров

Dm me when you’re back in the mood

Check you’re on the right wallet, or account MetaMask calls it. Mine did it… for some reason it had changed it to another account, that was still showing my correct ETH balance.

Alex🍉-P🍉 Автор вопроса
Check you’re on the right wallet, or account MetaM...

Yeah I sent them to the MM wallet my ledger is attached to. I checked the wallet address on etherscan so the tokens are there

Alex🍉 P🍉
Yeah I sent them to the MM wallet my ledger is att...

Check that MM is display the correct wallet. You get several.

Alex🍉-P🍉 Автор вопроса

Check the simplified metamask view

Metamask always has got issues, I use Rabby... use the same seed phrase and check in Rabby

Alex🍉-P🍉 Автор вопроса
Jole ✤
Yup, Rabby is phenomenal👍

It looks like it doesn't support cosmos? At the end of the month I will need to migrate to cosmos, then stake somehow, and ideally be protected with the ledger and it's all too thinky.

Alex🍉 P🍉
It looks like it doesn't support cosmos? At the en...

Just follow the synternet migration link. You will be able to stake on Cosmos when it is ready July.29th

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