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Not yet no, the Ubiconnect launcher is not compatible with anything, we did put some time/efforts to figure out a solution (and it's working), but we need the team at Ubisoft to finalize work, and it's not done yet. You can expect the following closed beta to be on Ultra as well if everything is fixed on Ubi's side. Before the next closed beta we should be able to unveil some part of the collab on Champions Tactics!

SASUKE-UCHIHA Автор вопроса
Nicolas - ultra.io ᕫ
Not yet no, the Ubiconnect launcher is not compati...

but cant they be on ultra games not via ubiconnect ? dont really understand that

but cant they be on ultra games not via ubiconnect...

It's the first game they release and are still using the SDK tied to Ubiconnect for different parts of the game, so it's blocking a lot of things

SASUKE-UCHIHA Автор вопроса
Nicolas - ultra.io ᕫ
It's the first game they release and are still usi...

ah that makes sense, so cant ultra integrate these SDK parts or does it need to be connect via ubiconnect for it to work?

ah that makes sense, so cant ultra integrate these...

We have a workaround, but it needs a tiny bit of work to finalize the loop on Ubi's side

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