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Chainspect X post https://x.com/chainspect_app/status/1809233440509759622?t=RDAzt2RSQZNdP3mIGutGmw&s=19

4 ответов

4 просмотра

Can regular people also be validators? And will be a staking system where we can stake our ETN to get rewards and protect the blockchain?

Can regular people also be validators? And will be...

No plans for public validator nodes or staking at this time Sibannac. As the ETN network focuses on mainstream commercial integration (i.e. be used in the real world by real companies) , the main target for validators are established, known entities (businesses, universities, NGOs etc) to ensure a safe, secure and transparent consensus layer.

No plans for public validator nodes or staking at ...

Oke thanks for the answer. Anyway i hope we can stake our ETN in the future

Oke thanks for the answer. Anyway i hope we can st...

Yeah staking is really nice, but needs to play a purpose in the Blockchain (i.e. decentralisation and/or safety etc).... Who knows what will happen in future...the new smart chain has many opportunities.

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