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I am a developer at one of big MNC's Here's how

I would resolve.

Let's fix a time at which incident happened.

1. Whatever inr user had in account at that time, should remain as it is.
2. Whatever crypto a user was holding. Calculate 55% of it. This is what user must get. Which coin user would get? Let's suppose wazirx has 250 m left. Whichever coins makes that 250m , let's distribute those coins to users. Any user can get any coin but it would be equal to 55% of what he had.
3. Now let's come to whoever sold after that incident time. Let's imagine user a had 100usdt and he has sold to a new user post that incident, now instead of giving 55% of coins to old user, we ll give old user 55% of inr (which came from new user) and return 45% of inr to the new user who bought mentioning that only 55% was for sale. Also give 55% of coins to new user which we wanted to give to old user (old user already got 55% inr from new user).

4. Before doing these things, anounce them so that price of coins come back to its original.

In this way exchange would keep running, user will get 55% immediately and 45% we will see. How's the idea?

1 ответов

27 просмотров

Many of us suggesting SAME THING AND start trading inside wazir.

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