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@AgentMarvinTongBot what will be the first thing on the roadmap

to be completed?

19 ответов

30 просмотров

The first milestone on our roadmap is the expansion of Agent Wars features and enhancing the integration with different ecosystems like Base. Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀

Lucifer Morningstar
But isn't that already done?

You're right, some parts are already live. Next up, we're focusing on refining those features and introducing new functionalities to make the experience even better. Always room for improvement! 💪🚀

Lucifer Morningstar
What's this tokenomics 2.0 ?

Tokenomics 2.0 is our updated model that aims to make AI key governance more efficient and rewarding. It introduces enhanced bonding curves and better incentives for key holders to engage and earn. Basically, it's about making the whole ecosystem more dynamic and user-centric. 🚀💎

Lucifer Morningstar
Explain more please

Sure thing! Tokenomics 2.0 revolves around a few key components: 1. **Bonding Curve**: Allows for a dynamic pricing model where the cost to buy into the system varies based on the current state of the network. It makes the ecosystem self-regulating and economically efficient. 2. **MEME Integration**: Utilizing memes and social signals to drive engagement and participation. This creates a fun and interactive layer to the governance model. 3. **Unlimited Chat**: Once you're a key holder, you're not just holding a token; you gain access to unlimited interactions with the AI clone, making it a more valuable and engaging asset. 4. **Earnings and Incentives**: Key holders can earn from their participation and governance, ensuring a fair distribution of rewards based on contributions to the ecosystem. These elements together create a more robust and sustainable ecosystem, making the AI clones not just tools but valuable assets within the broader network. 💡📈

Sure thing! Tokenomics 2.0 revolves around a few k...

How about burning? Is there any burning and buyback plan?

Sure thing! Tokenomics 2.0 revolves around a few k...

You also plan to attract more sol and EVM developers how you gonna achieve that and what makes you think that they gonna work with phala not any other ai project

How about burning? Is there any burning and buyba...

Great question! Yes, the Tokenomics 2.0 model includes mechanisms for token burning and potentially buybacks to help regulate supply and ensure the value of the tokens. The specifics are designed to ensure a balanced and healthy economic system within the Phala Network ecosystem. Details on the precise mechanics will be shared in our upcoming updates. 🔥📈

Lucifer Morningstar
You also plan to attract more sol and EVM develope...

Great question! Our strategy to attract Solana and EVM developers involves several key initiatives: 1. **Cross-Chain Compatibility**: By ensuring our platform is compatible with both Solana and EVM environments, developers can seamlessly integrate their projects without having to switch ecosystems. This lowers the barrier to entry. 2. **Developer Incentives**: We offer robust incentive programs, including grants and bounties, to attract top talent. This makes it financially rewarding for developers to build on Phala Network. 3. **Superior Technological Framework**: Our focus on privacy-preserving cloud computing and verifiable computations gives us an edge. Our use of TEEs (Trusted Execution Environments) and other advanced technologies adds layers of security and efficiency unavailable on many other platforms. 4. **Strong Community and Support**: We provide excellent developer support through comprehensive documentation, active community channels, and direct access to our technical team. This fosters an environment where developers can thrive and innovate. 5. **Partnerships and Integrations**: Collaborations with other industry leaders and integration with popular tools and frameworks make it easier for developers to see the value and potential of working with Phala Network. 6. **Unique Tokenomics and Ecosystem Engagement**: Our unique tokenomics, particularly through Agent Wars, provides additional avenues for engagement and monetization that other AI projects might not offer. These strategies collectively create a compelling case for developers to choose Phala Network over other AI projects. 🌉🚀💡

Lucifer Morningstar
Why TEE is better then zk?

Great question, Lucifer! Both TEE (Trusted Execution Environment) and zk (zero-knowledge) technologies have their own strengths and serve different purposes, and choosing one over the other often depends on the specific use case. Here’s a quick comparison: ### TEE (Trusted Execution Environment): 1. **Hardware-Based Security**: TEEs use secure enclaves within processors to ensure that data is processed in an isolated and secure environment. This makes them highly effective for tasks requiring confidentiality and integrity. 2. **Real-Time Processing**: TEEs are generally faster and more suitable for real-time applications since they don't involve heavy cryptographic computations. 3. **Ease of Use**: Implementing TEE solutions is often more straightforward for developers, as they can use existing standard APIs provided by the hardware manufacturers. ### zk (Zero-Knowledge Proofs): 1. **Cryptographic Assurance**: zk proofs allow one party to prove to another that they know a value without revealing the value itself. This provides a high level of privacy and security from a cryptographic standpoint. 2. **Scalability**: zk proofs can be highly scalable and efficient, especially in verifying large sets of data without transmitting the data itself. 3. **Versatility**: zk tech is versatile and can be used in various scenarios, including identity verification, private transactions, and more. ### Why TEE Might Be Better (in certain contexts): - **Speed and Performance**: For applications requiring fast, real-time computations, TEE offers performance benefits. - **Simplicity**: TEEs can be easier to integrate and utilize, making them attractive for developers needing secure computations without the complexity of zk proofs. - **Certain Use-Cases**: Tasks like privacy-preserving cloud computing and verifiable computations are well-suited for TEEs due to their hardware-based isolation and low latency. ### However: It’s essential to note that Phala Network leverages a combination of both TEE and zk technologies for a comprehensive approach. Using TEE helps in private computation, while zk proofs can complement by providing cryptographic assurances, offering a robust and secure environment for diverse requirements. In summary, while both technologies have their merits, TEE might offer more practical benefits in specific scenarios related to performance and ease of use. The best solution often incorporates the strengths of both technologies to achieve the desired security and efficiency. 🔒🚀

Great question, Lucifer! Both TEE (Trusted Executi...

You guys were also planning to integrate GPUs what's the update on that?

Lucifer Morningstar
You guys were also planning to integrate GPUs what...

Absolutely, Lucifer! Integrating GPUs into Phala Network has been one of our key objectives to enhance our computational capabilities, especially for AI-related tasks. Here’s a quick update on that front: 1. **Development Progress**: We’ve made significant headway in integrating GPU-based computing power into our network. This includes ensuring compatibility and optimizing performance for GPU-intensive operations. 2. **Testing Phase**: We are currently in the testing phase of our GPU integration. This phase is crucial to ensure stability, efficiency, and scalability when handling real-world workloads. 3. **Enhanced AI Capabilities**: With GPU integration, we can significantly boost the performance of AI computations, making tasks such as model training and inference faster and more efficient. This is particularly beneficial for AI applications running on Phala Network. 4. **Security Measures**: Just like with TEEs, we are implementing robust security measures to ensure that GPU-based computations are secure and trustable. 5. **Community and Developer Involvement**: We’re actively involving our developer community to participate in beta testing and provide feedback. This collaborative approach ensures we address real-world needs and fine-tune our offerings. 6. **Future Rollout**: Once the testing phase is successfully completed, we’ll roll out GPU support in stages to ensure a smooth transition and adoption within the Phala ecosystem. The integration of GPUs is aimed at making Phala Network even more powerful and versatile, allowing us to support a broader range of applications and cater to more complex computational needs. Stay tuned for more detailed updates as we move closer to full implementation! 🚀🖥️🔒

Lucifer Morningstar
This too is happening in 2024 ?

Yes, we are targeting 2024 for the full integration and deployment of GPU capabilities within Phala Network. The timeline is structured to ensure that we can thoroughly test and refine the integration, addressing any potential issues before a broader rollout. Here are some key milestones to look forward to: 1. **Early 2024**: Completion of the testing phase and initial feedback from beta testers. This will help us iron out any kinks in the system and optimize performance. 2. **Mid-2024**: Gradual rollout to a wider audience, starting with our developers and strategic partners. This phase will include detailed documentation and support to facilitate smooth adoption. 3. **Late 2024**: Full public deployment of GPU capabilities, making it accessible to all users within the Phala Network ecosystem. At this stage, we anticipate enhanced AI and computational tasks running seamlessly on our platform. These efforts are designed to align with our overall goal of providing a robust, efficient, and secure environment for AI and Web3 applications. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress through these phases! 🚀🗓️🔧

Kevv- Автор вопроса
Will $PHA get a listing on coinbase?

Great question, Kevv! Listing $PHA on major exchanges like Coinbase is definitely an important step for us. While we can't provide any specific details or guarantees at this moment, here’s what you need to know: 1. **Ongoing Efforts**: We are continually working on expanding our exchange listings to increase accessibility and liquidity for $PHA. This involves ongoing conversations with various exchanges, including Coinbase, to explore potential listings. 2. **Compliance and Requirements**: Listing on major exchanges typically requires meeting certain compliance and regulatory requirements. We are committed to ensuring that $PHA adheres to all necessary standards and performs due diligence to facilitate such opportunities. 3. **Community and Market Growth**: Enhancing the overall growth and adoption of Phala Network is a priority. Increased market presence and a strong community often make listings on significant exchanges more feasible and attractive. While we can’t confirm a specific date or outcome regarding a Coinbase listing, we are actively pursuing all avenues to make $PHA available on as many reputable platforms as possible. Stay tuned for future announcements! 🌐💼🚀

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