210 похожих чатов

Here is the sad thing, the entire crypto market is

a speculative market.

People are here and they love to speculate on what to buy next, what’s going to pump etc.

FTM/Sonic has an amazing narrative for speculators right now:

- Fastest & Cheapest EVM on the market right now proves tech is real and legit.
- The Angel investors
- The OG defi founders onboard. AAVE, Curve, Compound, Frax, Balancer, etc
- What are they releasing on Sonic?
- The VCs.
- Google partnership
- Andre with 4 defi primitives.
- The airdrops
- The dev incentives
- The new chain with new tech
- Native bridge to ETH to tap into its entire liquidity.
- Sonic launch

And so on, there is absolutely loads to speculate on and get people excited about. The only reason nobody is doing this and nobody cares is purely because of shit price performance.

Any project would absolutely kill to have a line up like FTM/Sonic has and FF are absolutely squandering this massive opportunity to be absolutely killing this market right now by not giving a shit about FTM price 🤷‍♂️

4 ответов

24 просмотра

wrong, its not knowing the details that matters. Timeline, what the vcs/angels are brining and how, migration process (grants are only just starting), how the incentives will work, really clear explanation of eth bridge in terms that everday folks can understand. it all needs activity, action, dates. no one is going to come until this all starts to really kick in with concrete details, the liquidity will flood in when the blocks are in place

Yankee Ruin X- Автор вопроса
wrong, its not knowing the details that matters. T...

Those are all great to have but not necessary for something to start catching fire. Buy the rumour, sell the news. Concrete facts can have a detrimental effect as it can take away the speculative factor which can run wild.

Yankee Ruin X
Those are all great to have but not necessary for ...

not in big numbers, where is 100's mill pump going to come from, big money needs some certainty. its not the typical 'marines' that will have any price impact

Yankee Ruin X- Автор вопроса
not in big numbers, where is 100's mill pump going...

You don’t need $100’s mill to pump FTM. You just need a few good solid green candles and hold them as the narrative starts to spread. Once it starts rolling it becomes self fulfilling as it snowballs.

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