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VIP-344 [Ethereum] Distribution Speed Adjustment for the XVS Vault Summary If passed,

this VIP will transfer the converted XVS tokens from the XVS Vault Treasury to the XVS Store and adjust the XVS Vault distribution speed.

- Transfer 6,893 XVS from the XVS Vault Treasury to the XVS Store for distribution.
- Increase the XVS distribution speed from 250 XVS/Day to 310 XVS/day.


A total of 6,893 XVS has been converted through a buyback during Q2 2024 using the XVS converter. These tokens will be added to the distribution as per our Tokenomics V4 and ETH Deployment Proposal.

The converted XVS is currently held in the XVS Vault Treasury and needs to be transferred to the XVS Store for distribution.

The new distribution speed will be increased from 250 XVS/day to 310 XVS/day, which is estimated to increase the vault APR from 12% to 15%.


- Tokenomics V4
- ETH Deployment Proposal
- VIP simulation

Vote 🗳 https://app.venus.io/#/governance/proposal/344?chainId=56

1 ответов

19 просмотров

Would be in effect directly after exécution ?

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