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Hello! By staking in the 'vote' menu on the official

Bancor AMM website, can we earn inflationary BNT as a reward? Also, I am curious if we only need to stake BNT for governance participation, or if we also need to stake vBNT. Lastly, is the BNT used for governance staking provided as liquidity in the AMM?

5 ответов

26 просмотров

Hello HS, By staking in the 'vote' menu on the official Bancor AMM website, you can participate in governance, but it doesn't earn inflationary BNT as a reward directly from staking for voting. As for governance participation, you need to stake BNT. And no, the BNT used for governance staking is not provided as liquidity in the AMM.

HS- Автор вопроса
Isaac AmaZix
Hello HS, By staking in the 'vote' menu on the off...

Hello Isaac AmaZix. So, governance staking and liquidity provision are unrelated. In that case, is there no reward for participating in governance?

Hello Isaac AmaZix. So, governance staking and liq...

Yes, governance staking and liquidity provision are separate. The main reward for staking in governance is having a say in the decisions made for the protocol, like voting on proposals and such.

HS- Автор вопроса

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