209 похожих чатов

Hi! Do you know how can I contact dev community?

I am writing master thesis on blockchain data crawling and would like to know how can I crawl Tezos network for a particular time. Like maybe there are some crawlers for this purpose? Or maybe some other alternatives?

4 ответов

15 просмотров

Check the different community groups as show ablove. You might want to check the baking group or for devs

Tanja- Автор вопроса
ⓈⒾⒻⓉ| ᜃᜒᜇ᜔ᜎᜆ᜔|ꜩ
Check the different community groups as show ablov...

I can’t see specific community for dev. Is there any? I’ve asked for a help in Baking Telegram Community, but no success.

Tanja- Автор вопроса

Okay, thank you!

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