209 похожих чатов

Look at bubby comment any thoughts what it means ?

12 ответов

16 просмотров

I like the shopping cart

kevin- Автор вопроса



Is it a bag or a padlock ??


Actually bubby used 🔓 not 🔒. Do you see the difference?

kevin- Автор вопроса

Digital payments for unlocking shopping carts? lol. At Aldi you need a quarter to get a cart. You get it back after you return it. Flexa to power Aldi shopping carts WEN?

x24 y25
Digital payments for unlocking shopping carts? lol...

mechanical lock using the quarter as a key to push the pins vs computerized internet connected lock on every cart... hmm...

m₳n in bl₳ck
What country and year is this?

Does MIB not know the wonderful world of Aldi?

amp is the way
Does MIB not know the wonderful world of Aldi?

Next thing I’m gonna hear is that every single cart at Aldi needs a quarter (remember those lol)

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