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Hello! I used dvpn bot for few hours and it looks

like it (or QuickConnect?) works through mobile data network only with home wi-fi connected (and maximum signal on wi-fi icon) at the same time - looking on the phone display you see that it works through wi-fi but it is wrong information actually.
I checked it in phone data and called to mobile company (with detailed report taken), so now I'm 95% sure about it.
Does someone else here noted the same?
(ios 16.3.1)

3 ответов

13 просмотров

Didn’t get it fully. You want to say that connection isn’t going through WiFi and going only on cellular network?

Evgeniy- Автор вопроса
Дмитрий Пешков
Didn’t get it fully. You want to say that connecti...

Yes, I thought that I was using wi-fi but I used mobile network.

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