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Ok, I downloaded the cosmostation wallet. And it seems on

their latest update, they have the new xprt token. It show old persistence and the other one just said persistence. I assume that's the newer version? But how can I be sure? The old persistence, the rec address starts out persistence1ajav...
And I assume the new persistence rec address starts with persistence1qyy...

5 ответов

12 просмотров

Yes.. Old == 750 New == 118

2by2handsofblue- Автор вопроса
Ab Eff
Yes.. Old == 750 New == 118

How will I know if the cosmostation wallet has the new 118 xprt?

2by2handsofblue- Автор вопроса
Ab Eff
Yes.. Old == 750 New == 118

Can I send you a screenshot of my cosmostation wallet?

How will I know if the cosmostation wallet has the...

It'll display once u enter your seedphrase, showing where your assets are

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