209 похожих чатов

Allowlist now open on HeadStarter https://x.com/headstarterorg/status/1823722541476638983?s=46

4 ответов

17 просмотров

I looked into it. Dont know what to do after clicked on apply now

Perfect-Ability Автор вопроса
I looked into it. Dont know what to do after click...

This should help https://medium.com/headstarterorg/how-to-participate-in-the-headstarter-idos-and-inos-complete-guide-a5edb6eff2b6

Perfect Ability
This should help https://medium.com/headstartero...

Thanks. But not working. I open dapp headstarter within hashpack, click on the project. Then on apply now. Then dont know what to do

Perfect-Ability Автор вопроса
Thanks. But not working. I open dapp headstarter w...

Check the bottom of the page. It’s where you earn the tickets for the HeadStarter lottery https://hedera.contest.bountyblok.io/contest/d1bdecec-55ef-4b81-b761-5f74fa610c1c

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