210 похожих чатов

I find the new website very good and, more importantly,

it gives a clear idea of ​​what Lukso is to newcomers, both the desktop and mobile versions
A couple of ideas/doubts/suggestions @natashalfawn:

1) Why use different colors than the original LYX symbol? So why not using a red color, which would create thematic/brand continuity? If the idea is to change the color of the current symbol like the one on the site, then ok :)

2) I find the "About" section very comprehensive and good. Why not find a way to integrate it into the home page at least in the part where it explains in 6 small boxes what Lukso is? Or, as an alternative, instead of the "Create your universal profile" button (there are two more after that on the home page) there could be a "Learn more about Lukso" button which refers to the "About" page.
The "About" section is so important that it seems too little to me to have it only in a small way at the top right of the home page.
In fact, that's where the heart of everything is and, in my opinion, you need to read it straight away on the home page or, at the very least, be redirected there in a particularly direct way.

2 ответов

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Luca- Автор вопроса

I'll write something more, in the hope that my comments will be useful to you @natashalfawn. In the home page, rather than dedicating 3 out of 5 "areas" to the Universal Profiles (the other 2 are for the Community and for the projects developed on Lukso, which is fine), I would dedicate myself to better explaining what Lukso is, taking the main info from the "About" page. Another small thing: in the last "area" of the home page where it is written "Unlock the next era of the internet with Universal Profiles", "next era" is already written above when you write "Your Universal Profile is the smart profile for the next era". So I would put something like: "Unlock the future of the internet with Universal Profiles". Or something like that. In any case, as I was saying, the website certainly represents a good step forward. The home page just seems a little too redundant in the information it offers, given that there would be many important things to say immediately about what Lukso is and on its potential, rather than just talking about it in a somewhat "hidden" About section. Also an "area" in the home page about staking, as someone has just suggested, it would seem necessary. In summary, excellent work but I believe that the structure of the home page needs to be revised a bit to give the user a clear and immediate idea of ​​the Lukso world. Now I'll stop because I dedicated the last two hours of my day to my reflections on the website, I hope I've said something useful 😃

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