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Yes especially on leverage

Hodl on a ledger nano x and stake on solflare

Leah-Khatri Автор вопроса

Really ?

No you missunderstood me I wanted add question on your question

Leah-Khatri Автор вопроса

oh ok my bad

You can do both at once.

Leah-Khatri Автор вопроса


Hold + stake are same But first one is hold and second one is stake , if you want hold please stake them in the orginal wallet from the company of the international solona sol owners

Not the same, if you just hold without staking your investment is not earning extra interest. Staking is an added benefit when you do staking. Can't be the same thing. OK.

My friend I’m a finical advertising experience expert team ok? I say hold + staking are same Clear ?

No they not.

Congratulations on your qualification. 😂

If I hold without staking is it stil the same? 🤔

Thank you for your information i called my bank now and your info are correct ✅

🚽🚽🚽 You needed to confirm that from a bank? 🤔 🤣

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