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People behind solana are hard workers with so much experience

and knowledge. people that are now behind ethereum are stupid/with literarly no vision towards the future/ they crated what they created with no knowledge and evolved it to what is etheruem now and suddenly they are facing so many problems they cannot solve now. too late for etherum to ride the train. it will be left behind. by the time etherum has adopeted the changes etherum blockchain needs, solana will be way ahead. and even cardano will be way ahead. I even expext a collaboration ebtween cardano and solana in the near future for various purposes. i think blockchains should learn to coexist and use what they need from one another rather than to compete to dominate. yoou cannot do it all. you can however make a collaborativw work to create a more sustainable future

12 ответов

11 просмотров

Agree except the Eth part

Heparin- Автор вопроса

then wait and see. one rule in life is everythig keeps on chaging and that time is never on anyone’s side.

Ooow very very good conversation... so on point, a real visionary👍... .


Heparin- Автор вопроса


Agree, this is Solana time

Heparin- Автор вопроса

NASDAQ is already thinking on how to use solana to reduce costs and maximize speed. it has been kept a secret. but this will happen. and solana will boom outside the ordinary norms.

Geeez this will really be something... as we said; when they do a comparison, SOL will stand out like the elephant 🐘 in the room

I need to do a bit more reading 📚...and see what is ahead👍

Where did you get the news from, Bloomberg?

Heparin- Автор вопроса

the only barrier is, they are waiting for SEC to approve solana use for different utilities/platforms and …. once this is done. too late for people that sold or people that never bough it.

solana tests have already achieved Nasdaq level throughput , over 500k tps.

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