209 похожих чатов

But just think for 1 second, first its not linked

on helium website which are the ONLY sources to buy officially. Then you find this website, likely created in the past couple of months selling these miners with faster ship times that not even the ACTUAL MANUFACTURER can get for you…. and at the same price…… So my question to you is, why would they just not sell it on ebay or anywhere else since these miners are fetching $1500-3000 all day very easily?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Hold up. Are you saying that buying an approved miner and waiting the 5 months, I can sell it brand new for 2k on eBay or something?!

Manolo- Автор вопроса

I’m saying that the real market value of obtaining one right now is $2k on ebay, so no 3rd party site saying they ship immediately would sell it @ $500 because it does not make any sense for them to do that.

Oh yeah, I got that 100%. It makes no logical sense. However, buying 5 of them and then selling 4 when they arrive, THAT makes sense. And worse case, if the market value decreases for some reason, well I've got 5 hnt miners then. Not a bad thing.

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