209 похожих чатов

Wait a minute... You mean I'll need $765k worth of

ETH just to unstake my $1M worth of Hex?

9 ответов

17 просмотров


Luckily ehex will only be the backup 😉

USCG_Vet- Автор вопроса

because of gas fees calling the SLOAD function for each day of your stake.


Wait so it really asks for 745k$ to end stake of 1m? What?

USCG_Vet- Автор вопроса

No, but we dont know how much ETH will be in 10-15 years from now.

USCG_Vet- Автор вопроса


So if its 50k$ what then?

USCG_Vet- Автор вопроса

It just depends on how much gas costs when you unstake.

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